Dieter Ronte, 2005

"[…] Pinto’s work is a long-term project. The works scream their will to evolve. They need time. Every work, through this process, becomes multiple, richer, more and more superimposed on itself in favour of an expanded eloquence. [… ]

At first sight, these works are not investigable, they are not understandable.

They avoid a quick glance. They are not traffic lights transmitting signs. They are testimonies of a thought that is deeply cultural.""


Dieter Ronte, in Cat. Di fronte e attraverso. Antologica di Bruno Pinto, edited by Pietro Bellasi and Giampiero Giacomini, with contirbution by Bruno Corà, Remo Bodei, Claudio Cerritelli, Guido Magnaguagno, Marco Meneguzzo, Norbert Nobis, Mazzotta, Milan 2005, p. 328.