Sergio Zavoli, 2003

"[…] Pinto has been here recalled by Giacomini, Cacciari, Ragghianti, Dossetti, Guttuso, Zolla, Argan, Calabrese, Severini and all the others who had for Bruno amazing words.

Cacciari’s page is one of the most intense and deeply compromising things a philosopher can say to an artist.

So why does Pinto take refuge in a lonely place when he was summoned here with all this talent on him? Why is he hiding, looking for a new richness that shall be all inside him? Why a wife, four children and the attempt to reconcile all this reality that has nature, the purpose of lasting with the maximum of poverty, of precariousness, of unexpected, of abandonment to a destiny of studies so full of values, so deep silent dialogues with the other part of us, that is our soul?

Because he is imprisoned in a form of inflexibility, in a very expensive coherence that keeps him away from the tools to make himself known, from the market, from the disposition to tell himself beyond painting, almost demanding that everything of him should be discovered through painting, as if his life passes inside him and is the only trace that the painter wants to leave of himself, he who is also an intellectual, a theologian in his way, and surely a philosopher."

Sergio Zavoli, intervention at the exhibition Bruno Pinto. Dopo il Silenzio, edited by Peter Weiermaier, with contribution of Massimo Cacciari, Valerio Dehò, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna 2003.