"Thank you for your terrific letter. [… ]
In a world where responsibility is used as an alibi for informative manipulation, sometimes irresponsibility seems to me attractive; that you attack it anyway, with precision. [… ] There are parts that I do not understand for lack of my vocabulary.
I still sense the meaning of your thinking and many considerations seem brilliant to me. You are able to put your finger exactly in a fundamental contradiction of mine and of the culture of these days. Not knowing how to solve it, I’m just done living it.
In any case, the choices you are suggesting scare me.
A bit because I do not feel up to do them; a bit because instead of opening up they seem to close. I know that actually they would not close […].
[… ] Your beautiful letter gives me courage. Yes, I find myself wanting less and less to participate in the circus of art. In fact, if it were just a circus, it would be much more fun and interesting. You know that I now receive something like twenty show announcements a day."
Lucio Pozzi. Epistolary, in Per uscire dalla Valle. Criticism of myself, edited by Omar Calabrese, La Casa Usher documenti d’arte, Edition Ponte alle Grazie Editori, Florence, 1992 , cit. , p.166