The beginning as an origin

Bruno Pinto is born in Rome on 20th August 1935, in a middle-class family. He is the oldest of two other sons.

His father, accountant, takes part in the Resistance; arrested, he gets tortured, and, after the Liberation he has to bear a long period of unemployment due to labour struggle. His mother, catholic, is the administrator of the household economy, and disapproves the active participation in political life of her husband: that leads to bitter family tensions.

When Bruno finishes the elementary school, his family moves from Rome to Lido di Ostia, Rome's seaside neighbourhood, where he starts attending the secondary school.

From that moment on, school becomes for him more and more a sort of an oppressive daily practice: the more he strives to make progresses in his studies, the more they appear to be difficult and unassimilable. As a consequence, although described as provided with a lively intelligence, he flunks his classes.

He is then admitted to the “Convitto Scuola Rinascita” of Novara, one of the institutes created for the sons of those who took part to the Resistance (ex-partisans, veterans), that is directed by Pietro Ingrao. Indeed, his studies are still a failure.