Father Giuseppe Barzaghi, 2003

"I didn’t know Master Pinto, but he said a nice thing when describing his own experience, so I have to respect what is the experience of another person, even if I can’t quite understand the paintings.

Pinto said that when he had the experience at 'La Valle' he did the experience of a swimmer who stops fussing and that at a certain moment discovers that it floats, this experience of overturned desire is the experience of floating, in the absolute it floats, with objects you fight, you can also look for harmony but you must always pay attention to the fact that in harmony resounds the word Weapon […]. Where there’s harmony there’s fighting, concert, you fight. […].

You have to be able to float either above or below or inside the fight, to let it be, omnipotence is not to be able to overcome an obstacle, as you cannot win, omnipotence is to let it be, is to perceive the absolute perceiving the limit: is letting be.

This experience of abandonment, of floating, in Christian faith is called the mind of Christ, it is the folly of the Crucified One, it is not rejection, is abandonment, is letting things be, this is his omnipotence. But it is necessary to have the mind of Christ in order to be able to think and act and express oneself in this way."


Padre Giuseppe Barzaghi,intervention at the exhibition Bruno Pinto. Dopo il Silenzio, edited by Peter Weiermaier, with contributions by Massimo Cacciari, Valerio Dehò, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Bologna 2003.