The collaboration with L. Sassoli de Bianchi

From 1983 to 1992 an active collaboration between Pinto and Sassoli de Bianchi resumes, with the realization of important exhibitions, sponsored by Sassoli himself.

In 1992 the Feltrinelli bookshop in Bologna hosts the presentation of the book "Per uscire dalla valle. Critica di me stesso”, by Omar Calabrese, with the participation of Calabrese, Cacciari, Gualdoni and Mauro Mancia.

In Bologna, the gallery owner Tiziano Forni, offers to become his official dealer; in 1993 organizes a Pinto solo exhibition at the Forni Tendenze Gallery, but some contingent political events prevent him to continue.

Pinto, supported by personalities of the political - cultural world, as a result of the questioning of the management of the Modern Art Gallery (GAM) of Bologna, proposes to Sassoli to apply as President of the first Board of Directors of GAM.

In 1995 after being appointment as President, Sassoli drastically ceases all relations with Pinto.

As a result of the rupture with Sassoli, Pinto interrupts one more time all relationships with the official world of art to think over again his entire artistic - existential story.