Further events follow, that, once again, disrupt the whole economy of its existence.
In summer of 2006, by invitation of director Mohamed Zineddaine, Pinto stays for 3 months in Casablanca to take part to his first film as Artistic Director. Back in 2003 Mohamed had shown his interest in the artistic - existential history of Pinto, creating a feature-length film produced by Asa Audiovisivi by Luca Morelli and presented at the Locarno Film Festival.
In 2008 Pinto writes: “[…] I found myself faced with a situation that has once again been emblematic in the course of my life; there have always been a time when events have forced me to a new beginning, the syncope. Unimaginable facts provoke a violent disenchantment of the conscience which, if you look more closely, was already confusingly and obstinately pursued by me: at a certain moment, with the help of certain external conditions, it simply happens. It happens, upsets the whole economy of my existence which is spontaneously forced to gather in a plexus of new tensions that project the attention a little further on, in a time-space as much remote as more saturated of new omens:it also happens to recross, without the mediation of the imaginary, some places of the past, even remote, with the whole body of the existence. It means perceiving with more immediate evidence the presence in me of the same constitutive conflict of forces that dominate the daily economy of the everybody existence,those powers that violently agitate the Self, obsessed with the demonic, inexhaustible desire to transcend them […] Destiny: only with the daily practice of painting I can contain and understand the enigmatic, always dramatic reasons that govern it. If this happens, you are reconfirmed in the sense of our life, you get back to breathe cleaner air, and the menacing clouds that always appear on the horizon instil less fears".
On the 19th of January 2010 he divorced Laura Lanza.
During these difficult years, Pinto is supported by his partner, Gianna Poli, and by friends that daily share his existential difficulties, and by his daughter Bianca Maria, who has long been interested in her father’s work and in a deeper and more authentic understanding of their relationship. The daughter, persevering in her commitment to understanding and supporting the principles that have always animated her father’s work and relationships, begins a collaboration with him, committing herself to preserve, promote and expose his work. From 2010 to 2011 they hold several personal exhibitions.
In 2011 Bruno leaves the Abbey of Monteveglio, moves to Sasso Marconi, and on the 14th June of the same year he married Gianna Poli in the town of Assisi.
Right after they decide to leave for a travelling journey through the European art capitals. After the last five years of almost complete interruption of work, visiting and revisiting places and works that are at the origin of his artistic path allows Pinto to perceive with immediate evidence the meaning of some crucial, unexpected, events of his artistic - existential history, that reconfirm the sense of his own destiny: the title of the exhibition at the Mazzotta Foundation “di fronte e attraverso” (“in front of and through”) was it a prophesy ?!
On October the 11th, after years of correspondence, and together with his daughter Bianca Maria, Bruno meets Eugenio Borgna in Novara, a city where he lived for a year in his youth, to attend the Rinascita boarding school.
On the 12th of January 2012 the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna pays tribute to Pinto with a crowded and touching meeting, arising from the donation to Alma Mater Studiorum of Pinto’s painting "La Cena in Emmaus – Discorsi a tavola", dated 1987. The event took place to the presence of the Rector, Ivano Dionigi, of the theologian and Headmaster of the "Sophia" University Institute, Piero Coda, and of Lorenzo Sassoli de’ Bianchi, President of MAMBO, the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna. It was an occasion to gather them all together again after years: an event inside the event.
In February 2012 Pinto becomes involved in the debate about “Art Caste” and chooses Affaritaliani.it to send a letter to Sgarbi.
In 2012 his daughter Bianca Maria meets the poet, artist and film director Stefano Massari, starting a new artistic and intellectual collaboration that leads to the creation of an exhibition at SPAZIOARTE CARTA|BIANCA in Bazzano (BO), and a video interview called "Bruno Pinto, Knowledge and Destiny", created by the writer and art critic Pier Damiano Ori. This collaboration inaugurates a series of cultural and exhibition projects around the work of Bruno Pinto: at the Galleria D’Arte Contemporanea of Palazzo Ducale in Pavullo nel Frignano “BRUNO PINTO | CARTE”, curated by Paolo Donini and Stefano Massari also present in the scientific committee together with Pier Damiano Ori and Maura Pozzati. Follows an exhibition of unreleased paintings on paper by Bruno Pinto “CORPI E ORIGINE – nude on paper” at the Cultural Centre IL GRANAIO Fusignano (RA), an exhibition that was reproduced at ARTEFIERA 2013 in Bologna.
In November 2012 Pinto’s work is published on the cover of the new book by the philosopher Jean Sodini “A testa in giù, for an ontology of life in common”, published by Mimesis Edition in Milan; three pages of it are completely dedicated to the work of the artist.