His travels

His mind driven by confused, violent and passionate doubts, Pinto leaves for England.

In 1959 he spends nine months in London, called by his friend, the painter Francesco Galante, who is the assistant of Fiore De Henriquez, a successful sculptor, friend of the Lanza family. At night he works in a bar/restaurant, while during the day he visits, again and again, museums and art galleries, and discover the metropolis.

He gets in touch with different social contexts, and realizes that the inner misery lives both in the house of the rich banker and in that of the common dock worker, and is not automatically influenced by external environmental conditions: both the street man and the rich capitalist are humanly alienated.

In London he meets Henry Moore and Augustus Johne, and once again Manfredi Lanza: with him, he contemplates the problems of painting, and the correlation between painting and fate in human existence.

Afterwards, he lives three months in Paris, where he meets Gino Severini: he is sick and pushes him to work, by promising that, once recovered, he will help him to stay in Paris by introducing him in artistic circles. Severini’s disease becomes long-term and Pinto, unable to find a job, gets back to Rome. Here he gets in touch with Manfredi, and meets Lanza del Vasto. With Manfredi, he is guest for some months at la "Communautés Oecuménique de l’Arche" in the south of France.